Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Getting started - day 1

Good things come to those that update, right? So I will do my level best to keep this blog uptodate at least once a week.

Critical to this is to build on information and I assimilating, pondering and general ruminating on for a while, namely the unique and utterly fascinating world of the online social dynamic. Social networking you say? No, say I, I mean something deeper and more, the fact that we change our environment and our environment changes us so the loop goes on.

I would like to add to the concept of shaming people into technology
Moving the crowd around through dynamic channels such as twitter
and my favorite pass time, watching the crowd flock or school like fish around topics creating Flock Dynamics.

This is my brand of what is going on, more on that later.

Look for me on youtube, twitter, facebook, linkedin, blogger and gmail!

But also, social blue and Leap!

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